Full-Day Kindergarten
We are pleased to share that since Fall 2021, Red Lion Area School District has provided full-day kindergarten to all students. It is the District’s vision that full-day kindergarten will better meet the needs of our developing students so that they are able to learn and grow academically, socially, and emotionally moving forward.
We have a transition into the new school year for our Grades 1 through 6 students as well as an opportunity for our kindergarten families to "meet and greet" with the teacher on either August 21 or 22. If you have children also in Grades 1 through 6, those students will be present on the first two school days, however, they will be dismissed at 12:40 p.m. on August 21 and 22, with the first full day of school for K-6 occurring on Wednesday, August 23.